Thursday, March 26, 2009


Which tessellation did you find more interesting to do? In what ways was it more interesting than the other? Please explain. I really enjoyed doing the second tessellation because it was a mirror image and it looked really interesting. It also allowed you to be really creative and each design you make, even it’s from the same picture, looks different. Also, the triangle designs allowed us to create different designs from our original triangles. What I mean by that is that is by putting the edges together they made another shape.
Look at your peers' work on the ning . Which two designs do you find the most successful? What qualities make them so successful? I really like Adrian’s triangular tessellation because of the colors. She made it so unique that you can’t tell what the original triangle was. I also really like Mariah’s design because even though it’s not colorful, it has a really unique design to it. I liked the flower that her design made in the center and then the random lines else where, it made it really interesting.



Looking at the Grading Criteria for each design, how would you rate BOTH designs on a scale of 1-4, 4 being the highest? Please explain each grade.
For my first design (rectangle) I think it’s a 4 because I put both time and effort into it. This design had no flaws (edge wise) and it’s not messy, the quality is very good. Also, I like the inside of my animal because I made it so the stars reflected the color opposite, which I thought was a different and unique approach.

For my second (triangle) design I feel that I also got a 4. This design shows that I understand the assignment and also really paid attention to the triangle I used to make it look interesting. I also spent a lot of time on this assignment, I did many designs because I thought they looked really cool, but this one is my favorite.

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