Monday, March 30, 2009

Logo Design Tips

1) The logo’s should be original. Having a logo that looks very similar to other logo’s not only hurt them but you. If people see your logo and think of another company or brand then it takes away from it. Make an original and interesting logo.

2)Make sure the designs are simple, having to confusing of designs takes away from it. Having a logo that is to complex is also very hard to remember. For example, the apple and the McDonalds logo are very simple and stick in everyones mind. You want to make sure that the logo you design is simple so you’re company won’t be forgotten about.

3) It’s best if the logo’s are still recognizable when at a small size. If you have a very complex logo it isn’t easy to see it from far away. If you’re driving on the highway and see a McDonald’s sign, you know exactly what it is, but if there is a sign that has a lot of words and isn’t recognizable since you’re so far away that sign is not effective. Make sure the logo you design not only looks good big, but also at a small size.

4) The design should fit the audience that it’s been made for. If the design is made for little kids the logo should be kid friendly and should make them attracted to it. For instance having a boring standard logo to lego’s would not be beneficial, but having a bright fun logo would. You have to make sure that the logo you have attracts the desired audience.

5) Make sure the design portrays the theme or the essence of the company. If you’re company is silly then a cartoon logo would fit best, but if your company is a serious law firm, a cartoon logo wouldn’t be beneficial. Make sure the logo and the company match up.

1 comment:

  1. The logo design tips are the great ones to design logos according to the demand of the designers. I really appreciate the work you have posted in this article. Logo Design Tips
